Always forward

15 Nov 2016

So, I’m not posting as often as I said I would, but at least this interval was shorter! I’ve been continuing to build the network at work, in hopes of finding ways to get into a role that’s more fulfilling and hopefully more into the data science world. It’ll be slow going, but that’s OK. In the meantime, I will continue learning and putting my new skills into practice. I’m just happy to make progress every day. As long as I keep moving forward and moving toward my goal, I’m happy. Enjoy the journey.

I have had to tweak and update the program I wrote for parsing .txt files at work. I downloaded PyPDF2 and now I can parse .PDF files (as long as they aren’t corrupted files). Other than that, I’m nearing the end of my Udemy Pandas class. It has been a pretty good intro. I’m looking forward to diving into Python more and how to apply it to Data Science projects. Still, some days I feel confident in my skills and what I’m doing, and some days I feel like an impostor. That might continue for a while, so I just have to focus on the positive.